Sunday 8 May 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Hai mommies,

I have to admit that I'm actually not a good mom. But, I've try my best to be a perfect one! Guess what?! I'm a supermom. Haha.. Tolong la.. At least I try hokey!

Nak belanja satu gambar lah. Nah!

We all celebrate mom's day kali ni biasa-biasa je. Makan-makan pastu balik sebab nya si kecik tu merengek plak. Hadoi.. Tak sempat papa nak belikan mama present.. Hihi..

Anyway, to all moms out there I wish to all of you a very Happy Mother's Day. Hope you be such a great moms ever!

To my lovely mom Pn. Siti Mas Idris you are such a greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then you are that sweet flower of love.

Happy Mother's Day!


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